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Micro thin fly lines. Chironomids, Squirmies & Rain

July 07, 2016 2 min read

What a start to 2016, rain, rain & more rain. My only fishing option has been my local small still water. Tiny Chironomids are the mainstay food for the resident rainbows throughout the year.

David Southall blog - Chironomids, squirmies and micro thin fly lines

Micro-Suspender Buzzer

Some days the fish focus on the adults, particularly if it is cold which delays their lift-off from the surface. Some of my best dry fly action has been when the temperature has been around freezing, particularly at dusk. At such times a size 24 (or smaller) CdC Minimalistic Micro-Midge or IOBO Humpy is my choice of fly.

If the fish are concentrating on the pupae at the point of emergence in the surface film I’ll opt for a size 24 or 26 Micro-Suspender Buzzer or similar sized Shuttlecock. At other times, when buzzers are hatching, the subsurface pupae are on the menu & a tiny Bead-head Buzzer Pupa is required. Finally there are times, particularly in windy conditions & early in the morning when there is no hatch: then the fish may well be feeding on red bloodworms & other coloured Chironomid larvae (yellow, olive & orange) from the lake bed in silted areas.

I find bloodworm feeders to be less fussy about fly size & I usually opt for a size 16 Squirmy worm in red (alternatively pink, orange or green if the fish have seen a lot of anglers’ red bloodworms. On heavily fished ‘catch & release waters fish can soon wise-up to popular fly patterns or colours). Just occasionally I find I need to use a more realistic size 20 Bloodworm tied with red flexifloss. The great thing about Squirmy Worm material is that it is very soft, flexible & translucent.

David Southall blog - Chironomids, squirmies and micro thin fly lines

CdC adult imitations

Good presentation is vital, particularly with tiny flies. Chironomid larvae & pupae have brief spells of rapid gyration interspersed with periods of immobility, however they make very slow progress through the water. Much of the time they drift at the whim of subsurface & surface currents. Even the slowest figure of eight retrieve is totally unrealistic.

I fish CdC adult imitations dead-drift, avoiding any drag from surface currents & the wind. Buzzer pupae I suspended under a small dry fly, from a greased leader or tiny indicator, alternatively I fish them ‘on the drop’ using a greased leader, watching for any change in the rate that the leader draws down into the water. If fishing ‘on the drop’ Dump/Pile Casts, heaped the leader on top of the fly ensure that the fly sinks vertically rather than unnaturally in an arc as would happen with the leader landing in a straight line. Bloodworms I generally fish very slowly suspended just above the lakebed.

To facilitate good presentation I like a long light rod (10’ to 12’, 2 or 3 weight), Jeremy Lucas Dry Fly line & light tippet (5, 6 or 7x depending on fish size & hook size). I often tie my flies into a loop knot / Rapala knot to facilitate free movement.

Euro Nymphing. Tackle, methods and flies.

Euro Nymphing. Tackle, methods and flies.

October 25, 2023 5 min read

     My favourite methods of fly fishing are dry-fly or sight-fished nymphs/bugs, but particularly during the winter, when fishing on spate rivers, the grayling are usually loath to rise to a dry fly and the water is too coloured, or the light too poor, to see the fish for sight-fishing. It is then that I resort to a range of nymphing techniques. Of which Euronymphing is my most used technique
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Movement in your fly when fishing dry fly. Give it a twitch!

Movement in your fly when fishing dry fly. Give it a twitch!

June 22, 2023 3 min read

Frank Sawyer and Oliver Kite showed nymph-fishers the value of the induced take when nymph-fishing and stillwater fly-fishers are aware of the importance of applying movement to lures. However, many of the dry fly anglers that I see appear to rarely apply movement to their surface offerings, believing that ‘dead drift’ is the most effective way of presenting surface flies. 
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Carbon, Cane & Fibreglass Fly Rods. Let's talk about it.

Carbon, Cane & Fibreglass Fly Rods. Let's talk about it.

February 15, 2023 5 min read

In the early 1960s when I first started fishing split cane was still the most popular rod-making material and fiber glass was just starting to become popular. However my first ever coarse fishing rod was made of ash butt & middle sections with a greenheart wood tip. My first fly rod, bought in the early 1960s, was a second hand 9’ cane rod built by E. Kerry of Lockton, a small village near Pickering.
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My favourite flies for Grayling fishing in Winter

My favourite flies for Grayling fishing in Winter

December 08, 2022 6 min read

 Presentation is another critical factor in achieving success & grayling are just as unpredictable with respect to this. Sometimes they want a fly ‘on the drop’ & often they will travel quite a distance to take a fly as it slowly sinks. So there are times that it doesn’t pay to fish a fast-sinking, heavily weighted fly.
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