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Superstynt karbon med følelsen av glass. Innvarsler om følelsen tilbake.

Full action raskt utvinnende superlette karbonfluestenger. Enkeltbens avstander K-Series guider opprettholder stangens handling. Ved å bruke færre tråder for å feste til emnet kan stangen bøye seg mer naturlig, noe som gir et følelsesnivå som bringer gleden tilbake til fluefiske.

Flytende eller synkende linjer, Teknikken vil håndtere det. Vi kalte den The Technique fordi den belønner god form ved casting. Tenk smøraktig glatt støping. Konsekvente løkker og elegante lange kast. Denne stangen tar innsatsen og sjokket ut av kastingen. Mindre er mer. Færre skader, mindre floker, mindre frustrasjon og større fangstrater.

En fluestangs primære funksjon er støtdemping. Å absorbere hoderystelser og plutselige løp av en fisk betyr at du kan fiske lettere tippets. Å fiske lettere tippets betyr du kan presentere mindre fluer som representerer den naturlige mer nøyaktig. Kort sagt, du skremmer mindre, hekter mer og lander mer.

Sunrays unike styreinnrettingssystemer gir deg muligheten til to innstillinger. Regelmessig og lav friksjon. Lav friksjon hindrer snøret i å treffe den øverste tredjedelen av stanga når du kaster og fisker, noe som gir enda mer direkte kontakt og følelse.

Super slim carbon with the feel of glass. Heralding the return of feel. 

Full action fast recovering super light carbon fly rods. Single leg stand off K-Series guides maintain the action of the rod. Using fewer threads to attach to the blank allows the rod to bend more naturally giving a level of feel which brings the joy back to fly fishing.

Floating or sinking lines, the Technique will handle it. We named it The Technique because it rewards good form when casting. Think buttery smooth casting. Consistent loops shape and elegant long casts. This rod takes the effort and shock out of casting. Less is more. Fewer injuries, less tangles, less frustration and bigger catch rates.

A fly rod's primary function is shock absorption. Absorbing the head shakes and sudden runs of a fish means you can fish lighter tippets. Fishing lighter tippets means you can present smaller flies which represent the naturals more accurately. In short, you Spook Less, Hook More and Land More. The AAA grade cork handles differ, and have been selected specifically to perfectly balance each model. Sunray's unique guide alignment systems gives you the option of 2 settings. Regular and low friction. Low friction keeps the line from hitting the top 3rd of the rod when casting and fishing, giving even more direct contact and feel.


Rod Model Rod Action Handle
9' #4 Mid / Tip Half Wells
9' #5 Mid / Tip Half Wells
9'6" #6 Mid / Tip Half Wells with Fighting Butt
9' #8 Mid / Tip Full Wells with Fighting Butt
10' #7 Mid / Tip Full Wells with Fighting Butt

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Michael Hadfield (Nottingham, GB)
Best ROD ever

Wonderful action and a great finish with rod bag and tube

Brian Chau Rodriguez (Aylesford, GB)
The 10ft 7 weight Sunray Technique Rod - Review

I couldn't be happier with a service from Sunray Flyfish. My enquiry was addressed very swiftly and the quality of the product that was delivered is exceptional. I ordered the 10ft, 7 weight, Sunray Technique Rod and following two fishing trips, I can honestly say that the rod casts like a hot knife through butter, with satisfying action allowing for beautiful presentation of the fly. The rod has the flex to enhance double hauling. I have never been able to double haul the line properly before I purchased this fly rod. The fly rod is rewarding and satisfying; especially when the wind is in my face.

I'm inclined to explore some of the other products that Sun Ray offer at some point; like a thinner line for the rod. In any case, thank you so much Sunray Flyfish. I am ever so happy with my with my 10ft 7 weight Sunray Technique Rod. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Unfortunately it's the two fishing trips were unsuccessful, mostly due to the hot weather, but at least I know that this rod is rewarding and helpful.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review Brian. We are so pleased to hear you're enjoying your new Technique rod. Tight lines, from the team here at Sunray HQ.

Wayne Smith (Winchester, GB)
Great Rods

I now have 2 10ft 7 weights, I use them for nymphing from the bank at Farmoor, I set up one straight line the other a washing line, even with brutal takes my tippet doesn’t get smashed, lovely rods.

S.M. (Dunfermline, GB)
Another stunning Sunray Rod

I have had 2 previous Sunray rods both of which I have loved. First was a Volition and the next a Livestream. When my wife and I retired she took up fishing and she took the Volition and I kept the Livestream, however I stupidly laid it down last week and a fish dragged it to the centre of the loch. To that end I ordered the Technique and another for my wife. We had our first outing today and both caught fish. The day started windy and we were fishing lures which were easily cast with the rod. After a shift of position we were fishing dries which were delicately presented and accounted for the fish we caught. The rods easily subdued the fish and were a joy to use. Would highly recommend especially at this reduced price.

Christopher Rippon (Leicester, GB)

Technique Fly Rod

Buttery smooth, optimized for still water of tailwater

The Sunray Technique rod was really buttery smooth, just like the description of the rod's characteristics. I am really satisfied with this rod - draws a smoother and fantastic loop.👍👍👍

Thanks for the lovely review Hojin and the great photo too, from Team Sunray.

Tony Miller (Witham, GB)
An amazing rod

Great casting rod -rewards a smooth caster. Already improved on my maximum casting distance. Its very good when playing a fish, lots of spring in the rod - like a super shock absorber.
Highly recommended.
Dr T
PS my Sage and Loomis rods are now both for sale.

Now this review made us smile Tony! Thank you from Team Sunray.