Lineslik Fluesnørebehandling

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Sale price£10.99 GBP Regular price£12.99 GBP
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Øk avstanden. Øk oppdriften. Øk nøyaktigheten.

En 100 % ikke-silikon, høykvalitets, kosmetisk linjebehandling som trekker inn i multifilamentene til silkefluesnøre og beskytter/glatter PVC- og PU-fluesiner.

Hvorfor bruke Lineslik?

Det reduserer friksjonen, skaper strammere løkker, får større avstand og legger en barriere mellom vannet og linjen. Dette betyr roligere, enklere pick ups og høyere flytende linjer.

Noen silikonbehandlinger er for tykke eller for tynne, noen angriper varnishen på stangemner. Sunray LINESLIK gjør det ikke.

Det er også et flott flytemiddel for tørrfluer. Bare dupp på hacklet, og tilsett deretter pulveret ditt. Du trenger ikke å påføre pudderet på nytt hele dagen.

Som kosmetisk kvalitet er det ikke bare trygt å bruke på linjene dine, vi har også funnet ut at det er effektivt som leppepomade og håndbeskytter! Du kan le, men når du er i 60 km/t vind og/eller brennende sol, vil du være takknemlig for det. Det har vi vært, mange ganger.

Det er bra greier. Få litt "Slik på det!

  •   40 g resirkulerbare metallbokser.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 115 reviews
David Vallance (Carlisle, GB)

I never used a product like this before. I watched toms livestream about it and thought I would give it ago. Product arrived in fast order. I put it on my line and with in seconds I could feel the difference. It ran through the eyes better and added distance to my cast.

Fantastic product. Fantastic team at Sunray

Thanks again Tom

Paul Holmquest (London, GB)
Lineslik line treatment

I used  Lineslik for the first time and what a difference my line Went so smoothly through the rings made casting a lot easier and longer also picking up off the water so much easier to recast , 3 fish in 2hrs great day
Great product will be using on all my lines
highly recommend it

Dave Bazen Bazen (Fleet, GB)
Fly line sounded like a chainsaw

I was having a few issues, my lines where all pretty dirty and made quite noise though the rings. The tip of one floater (not a sunray line) was sinking a few inches. I purchased linesilk, cleaned the lines a added lineslik. Amazing transformation. Silent casting and line sailing out in comparison. presentation improved and confidence restored. What not to like

Mark Ross

Via Jeremy Lucas

Picture says a thousand words!

Mark Ingram (Manchester, GB)
It really does what it says on the tin!

I am a recent convert to Sunray products and Lineslik is the perfect addition to the Sunray fly line range and the quality and performance is remarkable.

Thanks, Mark! Great to hear you're enjoying Lineslik—it's a game-changer for keeping your Sunray fly lines performing at their best!


I'm impressed! Easy to apply, makes the line super slick and cast further, especially with
their EZ backcast line. It seems to last a while, too. I usually don't need to reapply while
fishing if I do first thing in the morning. I do recommend still cleaning your lines per usual if you fish some less than clean water.