Spławik Proline Max - Zamów w przedsprzedaży

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Oszczędzasz £37.00

Nasza najlepiej sprzedająca się linia, Proline, właśnie stała się jeszcze lepsza.

  • Wyprodukowano w Wielkiej Brytanii
  • Super śliska powłoka zapobiegająca pęknięciom
  • Nowy, niewidoczny oliwkowy pigment
  • Kuloodporne zgrzewane pętle

Zamawiasz teraz w przedsprzedaży w tak niskiej cenie z dostawą wczesną wiosną 2023 r. 

Przenieśliśmy produkcję do Wielkiej Brytanii i opracowaliśmy nową, super śliską powłokę zapobiegającą pękaniu, wykorzystującą nowy pigment w kolorze oliwkowym. Opracowaliśmy również super mocne zgrzewane pętle, które mają drugi proces zgrzewania, aby podwoić wytrzymałość. Podczas testów sama linka pękła przed pętlami.

Stożek to sprawdzony, wszechstronny stożek, z którego słynie oryginalny Proline, nie zmieniliśmy niczego w sposobie latania.

  • Ekstremalna odległość
  • Bardzo delikatna prezentacja
  • Ucina wiatr

Używaj go na wody stojące / przynęty, łodzie i brzegi, rzeki, Euro nimfy i susze. Niezrównana wszechstronność, z mikro cienką linią biegową, ultra gładką i elastyczną powłoką, co oznacza mniejsze tarcie.

Możesz oczekiwać większego dystansu, delikatności i dokładności, dryfowania bez przeciągania i cichych podrywów... i nie zapominajmy o małej pamięci i małej rozciągliwości.

To proste. Spłosz mniej, zahacz więcej, wyląduj więcej.

    Waga Długość głowy Całkowita długość
    Prolina #1 6,5g przy 30' 30' 90'
    Prolina #2 7,8g przy 30' 30' 90'
    Prolina #3 8,2 g w 30' 30' 90'
    Prolina #4 9,5g przy 30' 30' 90'
    Prolina #5 17g przy 40 40' 120'
    Prolina #6 19g przy 40' 40' 120'
    Prolina #7 21g przy 45' 45' 120'
    Prolina #8 23g przy 40' 40’ 120'

    Waga: #1
    Free Shipping Over £100

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 85 reviews
    what a lovely casting line

    i originally bought a 5 weight line at the start of the year, yes it was expensive for me at £60+ but split via Klarna it was possible... i love this line. recently a offer came up for a 3 weight line reduced to £40+ which again i used Klarna. if you are reading this asking if the line is worth it...you bet it is you will not be dissapointed

    Paul Heron (St. Catharines, CA)
    Improved my casting!

    I took up fly fishing three years ago at age 75–so I don’t have decades to learn. This line has helped me make longer, more accurate casts w less effort. The overhang marker has flatted the learning curve on my double haul. Will only buy Sunray lines from now on.

    That's good to hear Paul. Hopefully you're picking up tips from our Masterclass tutorials on the website too. Thanks from all at Sunray HQ.

    T.B. (Launceston, GB)
    To say that I am very impressed with this line is an understatement.

    New Sunray Proline Max 1 weight medium-head Fly Line Review

    The things that first impressed me about this line whilst loading it onto a reel were how slick the surface was & how free of any memory it was. The hardness of the surface did not appear to adversely affect the line’s suppleness & despite Tom’s advice that it needed a gentle stretch before use I found that this was not necessary.
    So how did it perform in real life fishing? My first tests were casting on a local small still water using a range of rods from a soft/full action 7’ 6” 1 weight Orvis Superfine to my favourite general purpose river rod, the Sunray Microlite GT 10’ 4 weight. Casting was flawless with all the rods at both short & long range, even the 4 weight. Whilst for most of my river fishing I would very rarely have more than the head outside of the rod tip, the presence of the obvious purple overhang marker ensures that the correct length of line is outside the rod tip when casting longer distances. On my return home I called in to my local chalk stream where I saw a couple of trout on the feed. Despite a brisk easterly wind & the 1 weight line teamed up with the 10’ 4 weight Microlite GT I had no problems casting a size 20 nymph the 40’ to the fish on the far side of the river: result a lovely wild brown trout.
    Now I must confess to being less than keen on welded loops & this line has one at each end which makes the attachment of backing & leader simple. I normally use either a knotless, Super Glue join, Needle Knot or Nail Knot join with a leader of between 12’ & 15’, plus 3 to 6’ of tippet: these ensure that the join easily slips through the tip ring, avoiding damage to the rod or the loss of a fish due to the join jamming. However, the small, slim, well designed, loop at the tip of this line caused minimal resistance to slipping through the tip ring when I had attached my 12’ 6x leader with a 5 turn half-blood knot, sealed & smoothed with a drop of flexible UV resin.
    Since my first trials with the line I have regularly used it to fish small streams with my 6’ 9” 3 weight bamboo rod, teamed up with a leader of 12’ to 20’ & on my local chalk stream, Driffield Beck, on some windy days, with my 10’ 4 weight Microlite GT rod, teamed up with a leader of 16’ to 20’. So far I have used it on a total of 25 days’ fishing. It performs impeccably at both short & relatively long range, roll casts effortlessly & floats well.
    I love the delicate presentation of the Sunray Jeremy Lucas 1 weight line & when fishing small overgrown streams the quick loading of the Stuart Crofts line, but The Proline Max is, in my opinion, an ideal ‘All Purpose line’.
    To say that I am very impressed with this line is an understatement.

    Now that's a review David! Very informative and helpful for other customers deciding which line to select. Thank you, from Team Sunray!

    R.S. (Newton Abbot, GB)
    Proline Max Float

    Love the new Proline Max. Perfect casting and presentation.

    Thanks for the great review Ryan and the photos too. It's so helpful for our customers to see genuine customer reviews. Tight lines! Team Sunray.

    T.W.B. (Launceston, GB)
    Despite a very brisk easterly wind it performed impeccably

    I've been very impressed with the performance of the new 1 weight Proline Max. Yesterday, despite a very brisk easterly wind it performed impeccably even though I was using my 4 weight 10' Microlite GT rod on an open Mulberry Whin fishery. Very slick, hard surface but still very flexible & no memory so I didn't need to stretch it & it floated well. I'm not too keen on loops at the tip of lines but the loops were small & slim so they passed through the tip ring with little difficulty.

    Harm Beijer (Rhenen, NL)

    This line cuts trough the wind as no other line. The overhang marker has improved my casts significant. For years I had way too much line out before I deployed my cast. Never before was making distance so easy. When on a casting course my instructors were very much impressed by the ease with which my line shot out of the rod.

    Great to hear the Proline Max is making such a difference for you. The Overhang Marker really does help with timing and distance—glad it’s working so well.