Micro Thin Nymph

Sale price£59.99 GBP
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The Micro thin Nymph er slétt lína á lágteygjanlega fléttukjarna með útsettum kjarnalykkjum. Gefur þér aukalega slétt umskipti yfir í fínar vísbendingar og vísbendingar.

Að vera ofurþunnur lágmarkar sig milli stangaroddsins og nymphs. Sem þýðir viðkvæmustu bein snertingu við flugurnar þínar sem þú getur fengið, þannig að þegar fiskurinn neitar flugu sem lítur út fyrir að vera óeðlileg, þegar þeir krefjast dráttarlauss reks, þá kemur Nymph línan til sín.

0,55 mm þvermál til að staðfesta FIPS Mouche alþjóðlegum keppnisreglum, fullkominn í beinni snertiveiði.

Komdu nimfunum þínum niður þar sem fiskurinn lifir og nærir ...... veiddu þegar enginn annar getur. Fiskur eins og heimsmeistari.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
W S Diamond (Ceredo, US)
Another winner from Sunray

I use this line not only for nymphing but it also serves as a pretty good dry fly line, too. I’ve gone 100% with Sunray lines and tippet. They might seem a little pricey but you get what you pay for.

Thierry Lelievre (Saint-Gaudens, FR)
Great SUNRAY world nymph line

This world nymph line is the best one I have ever used for european nymphing style.

Maric (Belgrade, RS)
Nymphing line

World Championship Nymph is best nymphing line by mine opinion. I used it in competition and my nymphing technique is so much better . Contact with nymph is amaising I can feel every nymph moving.

That's perfect Maric. Thanks for sharing this review. We have a LOT of competition anglers using this line because they can switch to dries without changing lines mid comp.

Paul Williams
"Simply worth the price, buy once buy Sunray"

"So I used it today , having used french leaders up until now I know that they are great to use and have no issues with using them rather than the sunray line. what the sunray line offers for me is a lot more in terms of versatility, I can easily cast with this line far easier than with a french leader when I switch tactics and nymph in other styles plus it casts a dry fly very well indeed, for me when I go out now I wont take any other lines or reels with me because my sunray line will cover whichever tactic I need it to. The line itself is of course low diameter and as such makes minimal disturbance on the water when using it as a dry fly line, I set mine up with a 2ft section of amnesia sunset in red and yellow with a loop one end to loop onto the fly line and a tippet ring the other end to attach my flurocarbon tippet which I vary depending on the depth. Today I only used a single nymph and for only a very short time but first impressions were positive, yes I could have used a french leader but for me the line looks as if it will last me longer and has no memory that ive observed thus far, feel is rather like using braid in terms of the feedback it gives, yes its exspensive in comparison to the french leader but im happy with it."

You've answered a good question Paul. 'Why use this line instead of mono or braid?' Because it's a fly line and you get all the benefits of a fly line with the sensitivity of braid I think.

Jeff Harrison
Allowed me to land this 25" brown that weighed over 12lbs using a 2wt rod!!!

"What can I say about this line other them AMAZING!!!! It's hard to believe that this thin nymphing line allowed me to land this 25"" brown that weighed over 12lbs using a 2wt rod!!! The strike detection is simply out of this world. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed!!!"

It's so sensitive due to it's thin diameter Jeff. Thanks for sharing.

Dougal Elvin (Tauranga, NZ)
Sunray World Nymph Line

OMG!!! I've already tried nymph lines from Rio and an "unbranded" version from NZ and this is the benchmark by a long way. It's limp, it casts well and I don't even bother with all the sighter nonsense anymore. I just tie my tippet straight to the end of line. When I need to reach a bit further out, I just cast it out. The most versatile nymph line I've ever used. Thank you Sunray.

Olivier masmonteil (Saint-Leu-la-Foret, FR)

amazing line, love it