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Git Down 3ips / 5ips Fast Sink z Overhang Marker®️

Szukaj więcej. Łap więcej. Konwertuj więcej.

Nie idź na skróty. Wędkuj w każdym calu jeziora tą tonącą żyłką o potrójnej gęstości, która tonie w płaszczyźnie poziomej. Zapomnij o żyłkach, które łowią po łuku.

Mówiąc najprościej, zatrzymuje muchy w strefie na dłużej.

To szybko tonąca żyłka, dzięki której można złowić muchy. Z krótką głowicą i funkcją Overhang Marker, aby szybko ładować i lecieć na niesamowite odległości jednym zaciągiem.

Łów dalej, głębiej i dłużej...

7 items left

Search more. Hook more. Convert more.

Don't cut corners. Fish every inch of the lake with this triple density sinking line, that sinks in a level plane. Forget those lines that fish in an arc. Simply put, it keeps flies in the zone for longer.

It's a fast sinking line, to get flies down. With a short head, and Overhang Marker feature, to load quickly and blast flies amazing distances with one haul. Fish further, deeper for longer...



Head Length

Total Length

Git Down 3 ips / 5 ips #5

17g at 36'



Git Down 3 ips / 5 ips #6

19g at 36'



Git Down 3 ips / 5 ips #7

21g at 38'



Git Down 3 ips / 5 ips #8

23.5g at 38'



Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews
Paul Lawton (Dublin, IE)

I started using Sunray lines 2 years ago, I fish the wild lakes in Ireland and the get down 3ips/5ips line is all I use won't pass them. A find the them easy to cast and a great hook up line.

Andrew Jones

Git Down 3ips / 5ips Fast Sink Fly Line with Overhang Marker®️

Roger Cain
Sinking line

I’ve been fly fishing for fifty years , used many different sinking lines , sink tips etc and they are all notoriously difficult to cast well ,I would say this line is one of the best for casting out , lifts quite well off the water so all in all very pleased with it

Mr Dennis Bound (Llandudno, GB)
Got down 3/5ips

Bought for grandson . Very nice line .

Russell Williams (Aberdare, GB)
Git Down 3ips / 5ips Fast Sink Fly Line with Overhang Marker

Well pleased with this line ..i got the 5ips and it sinks really fast..its casts superb on my stillmaniac 7wt and sinks very even through the water column...a superb fish finder when you want to locate the depth the fish are feeding at..i highly recommend this line in the summer months when fish are hard to advice to you all is..Git one now...well done sunray on a awsome flyline..

Stuart Walmsley
Brilliant line

I have one I am using at the moment just bought another as a spare when on sale

Elizabeth Taylor (Leeds, GB)
Git down 3ips/5ips

Easy casting line no coiling sinks tip first recomended