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Micro Sottile Ninfa

Prendi quando nessun altro sta catturando...

Utilizzato da molte squadre nelle competizioni mondiali di pesca a mosca per dare un contatto diretto alle ninfe del sottosuolo in acque calme o veloci.

La Micro thin Nymph è una linea di livello su anima in treccia a bassa elasticità con anelli di anima esposti. Offrendoti una transizione extra fluida verso tippet e indicatori fini.

Essendo ultra sottile riduce al minimo l'abbassamento tra la punta della canna e le ninfe. Significa il contatto diretto più sensibile che puoi ottenere con le tue mosche, quindi quando il pesce rifiuta una mosca che sembra innaturale, quando richiedono una deriva senza trascinamento, è qui che la linea Nymph entra in gioco.

Diametro di 0,55 mm per confermare le regole della competizione internazionale FIPS Mouche, il massimo della pesca a contatto diretto.

Porta le tue ninfe dove vivono e si nutrono i pesci... cattura quando nessun altro può. Pesca come un campione del mondo.

Il peso

Catch when no one else is catching...

Used by many teams in World fly fishing competitions to give direct contact to subsurface nymphs in calm or fast water. The Micro thin Nymph is a level line on low stretch braid core with exposed core loops. Giving you extra smooth transition to fine tippets and indicators.

Being ultra thin minimises sag between the rod tip and nymphs. Meaning the most sensitive direct contact to your flies you can get, so when the fish refuse a fly that looks unnatural, when they demand drag free drift, this is where the Nymph line comes into it's own. 0.55mm diameter to confirm to FIPS Mouche international competition rules, the ultimate in direct contact fishing.

Get your nymphs down to where the fish live and feed ...... catch when no one else can. Fish like a World Champion.

Il peso

Lunghezza della testa

Lunghezza totale

Ninfa del mondo

N / A



Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews

Ultra thin

Joseph Kruppo (Walton, US)
No problem with Sunray

Very impressed with Sunray products no problems what so ever.
Even shipping to US product is here before expected.

Gregory Cann (Pontypridd, GB)
Great line

I’ve had another level type nymph line but I was surprised to see how much thinner the Sunray line was , handles great on the water and takes my fly presentation up a notch from my old set up , a very nice line !

Brian Donley (High Point, US)
Sunray Fly Lines

Best fly lines I’ve ever had! Casting is a breeze and distance is outstanding.

Kevin Elley (Kevinfish0144) (Pontypridd, GB)
World nymph line

Great line for euro nymphin highly recommended

Laurence Elvin (Tauranga, NZ)
Sunray World Nymph Line

OMG!!! I've already tried nymph lines from Rio and an "unbranded" version from NZ and this is the benchmark by a long way. It's limp, it casts well and I don't even bother with all the sighter nonsense anymore. I just tie my tippet straight to the end of line. When I need to reach a bit further out, I just cast it out. The most versatile nymph line I've ever used. Thank you Sunray.

Thierry Lelievre (Saint-Gaudens, FR)
Great SUNRAY world nymph line

This world nymph line is the best one I have ever used for european nymphing style.