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Git Down Inter / 2 ips / 3 ips Lavello con Overhang Marker®️

Se i pesci stanno guardando in alto, li prenderai con questa lenza!

La nostra linea di affondamento a caricamento più rapido con un indicatore di sporgenza per evitare di allungare eccessivamente i falsi lanci.

Densità tripla per far scendere rapidamente le mosche e affondare su un piano livellato. Mantenere le mosche nella zona più a lungo. Pesca i primi 4 piedi con questa lenza, esplora ogni centimetro in cui i pesci si stanno nutrendo.

La rastremazione anteriore del diametro basso indica che, sebbene si tratti di una linea di punta affondante, non atterra come un mattone.

La testa corta significa che si carica rapidamente e vola a distanze incredibili con un solo tiro.

Usalo per acque ferme con spazio di lancio limitato sul retro, pescatori in kayak/barca, pesca costiera su roccia, pesca fluviale con spazio limitato o lanci spey con una sola mano.

Se sei un pescatore competitivo, non andare in acqua senza.

    Il peso

    Search more. Hook more. Convert more.

    Don't cut corners. Fish every inch of the lake with this triple density sinking line, that sinks in a level plane. Forget those lines that fish in an arc. Simply put, it keeps flies in the zone for longer.

    It's a fast sinking line, to get flies down. With a short head, and Overhang Marker feature, to load quickly and blast flies amazing distances with one haul. Fish further, deeper for longer...

    Il peso

    Lunghezza della testa

    Lunghezza totale

    Giù Inter / 3ips #5

    17g a 36'



    Giù Inter / 3ips #6

    19g a 36'



    Giù Inter / 3ips #7

    21g a 38'



    Giù Inter / 3ips #8

    23,5g a 38'



    Customer Reviews

    Based on 24 reviews
    Paul Barnicoat (Teignmouth, GB)
    Best fly line I've ever bought

    The fly line is so good it's unbelievable 7 wt git down inter/2ips/3ips sink with overhang marker so smooth 2 cast

    Tim Kirk (Milton Keynes, GB)
    Git in down 2/3ips great line

    Firstly out of the packaging the line is lovely and subtle in colour feels silky smooth , in practice well the sink rate is spot on front sinks faster than the back end keeping you at the depth you want , rather than dragging the bottom , but if you want to fish hard on the bottom , as I did last day of the year with a booby whilst chatting to another angler the bite transmission from the take was spot on , felt the fly get pulled struck and played a lovely rainbow to the bank , the line does exactly what I want really happy with all the Sunray lines I now own , the over hang marker also for me acts as a retrieve pause point so you hang your flies and different points on the line with this visual marker not whats its for but hey why not us it .
    Definitely worth investing in these lines are great .
    The line in the photo is the comp floater 2020 as I was still fishing only used for scale .

    Lalit Man Gurung (Andover, GB)

    excellent product and well impressed with the delivery

    Chris Constantinou

    Quite simply a brilliant line, so easy to use/cast and the overhang marker is great.
    Love the company, amazing products and customer service.

    Your positivity is much appreciated Chris. Thanks for the review of your line. Team Sunray

    Christopher Rippon

    Git Down Inter / 2 ips / 3 ips Sinking Fly Line with Overhang Marker®️

    martin ferguson (Newcastle upon Tyne, GB)
    New fly line

    Was easy to Order and delivered quick got for Xmas present hope will be great

    Paul Jones (Harlech, GB)
    Great casting line

    My 5wt line matches my 7wt rod better. Casts and fishes brilliantly in the 4 to 5ft depth zone . Absolutely flies out and sinks tip first so contact with the fly is maintained, even when retrieve is paused.