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Frábær útlitsstíll með hálfum umbúðum, með bláum speglaáferð okkar til að draga úr glampa. Stílhrein og mjög hagnýt.

Góð þekju, með stærri linsu að framan og magenta skautaðri linsu til að skera út ljós.
Tilvalið fyrir bjartar, sólríkar aðstæður. Hugsaðu um strandveiðar, bátaveiði....eða bara hvenær sem sólin skellur á því vatni.

Fit - Meðaltal (hentar ekki stórum hausum, því miður!)

  • Fáanlegt með stækkun í neðri hluta linsunnar (linsur eru nógu djúpar til að halda stækkuninni frá aðalsjánni þegar verið er að veiða)
  • Pólýkarbónat ofurléttar rispuþolnar linsur
  • Ramma umbúðir til að útiloka óæskilegt ljós frá hliðum
  • Pólaruð blátt linsa fyrir almenn / björt veiðiskilyrði
  • Léttir snertiarmar fyrir núllþrýsting á musteri
  • Mattir, endurskinslausir höggþolnir rammar
  • Kísilnefpúði fyrir ofurslípandi þægindi
  • Ofléttar rammar fyrir allan daginn
  • Mótað ofurlétt rennilás fyrir þumalfingur
  • Mjúkur örtrefjaklút
  • Linsa

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Alan Houston (Southampton, GB)

    Super cool… excellent magnification. When tying!

    Geoffrey Abel (London, GB)
    Sun glasses, MAGNIFICATION

    Not really had chance to use them properly yet, but everything looks good.
    However, I think I should’ve got a lot higher magnification as I have site problems and great difficulty when tying and threading hooks.
    Hi, just ordered some plain reading glasses with six times magnification to use when tying flies onto line

    daniel paton (Cupar, GB)
    Steel head glasses

    These are alike new vary focal lenses, wearing contacts the glasses are great but having the magnification at the bottom I don't need to change glasses to tie on flies. D

    Lee Murphy (Letchworth Garden City, GB)

    Steelhead Sunglasses

    R.P. (Dublin, IE)
    Top notch

    Iv the low light and Gt pair and now these which i use just day to day,these are as good as the GT for bright days and the magnifying part is a godsend im not removing shades to put on reading glasses to tie a knot,the magnifying section is so low down on the lense that its just perfect for fishing or driving,all my gear is being replaced by sunray gear cos its all quality stuff they sell from rods to lines to shades

    Great review Richard. Very much appreciated by the Sunray team who spent a great deal of time designing and testing the sunglasses to make sure they were the best fit, lightweight with great lenses. We agree with you about the positioning of the bi-focal magnified area. It is well out of eye line, so doesn't interfere with general viewing. Thanks from us all.

    Sam Thompson (Devizes, GB)

    Defiantly best polarisation I’ve ever had for fishing works perfect.